A good list produces good is very important that a student's list includes a balance of reach, target & safety schools. Any school on the list should be a school that is a "good fit" and the student would be happy to attend.
American U
Arizona State U
Baker University
Beloit College
Berry College
Bucknell University
Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
Case Western Reserve
Coastal Carolina U
College of William and Mary
College of Wooster
Colo Mesa
DePauw University
Drew Univ
Eckerd College
Embry-Riddle Daytona Beach
Evergreen State
Florida Southern U
George Washington U
Gettysburg College
Jacksonville U
Kenyon College
Lafayette College
Lake Forest University
Lawrence University
Lehigh U - IBE - Integrated Business and Engineering program
Loyola University - NOLA
Loyola University Chicago
Lynn U
Manhattanville U
McGill U
Montana State
Northeastern U
Rochester Institute of Technology
Santa Clara University - finalist for Johnson scholarship, full tuition
Savannah College of Art and Design - Atlanta
Tulane U
U of North Carolina - Wilmington
U of Puget Sound
U of Richmond
U of Tampa
U of Washington
U of West Florida
U of Wyoming
Union College
University of Denver
University of Kansas
University of New England
Wake Forest U
Whitman College
Whittier College
Willamette U
Worcester Poly Technic